Copyright or CR for short refers to the intellectual property rights associated with original creative works that belong to authors, artists and publishers for the period designated by statute.

In Australia, this period was (in 2004) changed from 50 years from the latter of date of publication or death of the author or artist to 70 years from the latter of date of publication or death of the author or artist (to mirror US and European law), however the corollary of this is that works produced by an author or artist who died prior to 1 January 1955 are no longer protected by copyright.

Works not protected by copyright or for which copyright has been disclaimed are said to be in the 'public domain' and can be reproduced or adapted for use without the author's permission.

Copyright law is very complex and is not limited to legislation, and also includes common law and concepts of 'fair dealing', which permits use in certain circumstances, and 'moral rights', which are rights individuals may have in relation to attribution among other things.

This web site contains general information only and is not legal advice, which should at all times be sought from a qualified intellectual property lawyer.